Connecting people and resources to elevate the innovation ecosystem
Experts in derisking product development
Our services.
Mount Sinai’s accomplishments, partnerships, and trajectory in the life sciences R&D sector are unparalleled. World-renowned for groundbreaking medical and scientific inquiry, discovery, and development we are home to a broad spectrum of researchers, physicians, engineers, trainees, and students. Our investigators strive to rapidly transform scientific and clinical advances, device developments, and innovative ideas into clinically relevant technologies and improved patient care outcomes.
Mount Sinai BioDesign is a new model of research, innovation, and market delivery design to engage the community of innovators and entrepreneurs and expedite the technology revolution in healthcare. One of our goals is to foster the med-tech ecosystem, especially in New York City, by leveraging these assets and creating partnerships with companies like yours in this unique setting.
By housing our lab within a major medical center we have been able to obtain extensive physician feedback in a very efficient manner, enabling us to iterate quickly and efficiently on device designs.
How can we work together?
Our lab is unique, current R&D facilities in the New York Ecosystem are only a partial fit for industry needs. We are not a research lab, our offerings and expertise are best exemplified by our ability to derisk your innovation at various stages along the development path and into commercialization. Examples of a few of the ways we can work together are outlined below. Please click and fill out the form button below so we can discuss your ideas further.
Mount Sinai BioDesign works with many innovative world-class Neurosurgeons who are pioneering approaches to ICH clot evacuation, epilepsy, movement disorders, embolization techniques, and advanced visualization for tumor removal to name a few. By providing an environment to simulate real-world experiences using 3D prints, phantom brain models, and simulated vasculature we can foster the development of the necessary skills to derisk the translation from your device prototype into the market a smooth transition.
If a company wishes to have user feedback on their device this will be an additional service outlined below in “KOL Feedback.”
Key Opinion Leader Feedback
Employ the network of expert physicians and surgeons at Mount Sinai across service lines and departments. The large volume of cases, diverse patient population and sub-specialization can be an asset for you team as you learn from their experience and expertise.
Clinical Research Services
We use 3D prints from a library of patient-specific models skulls creating a skull-like quality to demonstrate device applications, conduct skills training like EVD placement, and test and de-risk early-stage devices. Our brain models have basic anatomic features like dura and ventricles. More advanced models can simulate brain hemorrhage.
Colocating engineering staff, prototyping, and computing facilities with hundreds of physical experts we are able to remove barriers to collaboration shortening the design iteration cycle. With our unique team of engineers, we can build and test your solutions in the very early stages.
Product Development Partnership
Companies developing new products can test their devices in the pre-clinical stage using our state-of-the-art simulation of vascular anatomy. These companies can have well-established devices or be start-up in nature. The testing environment is meant to mimic the angiography suite with the flexibility of space, time, and resources. Curated photo and video documentation can be used to support your findings.
-Simulator includes the major vascular anatomy of the entire body with
radial & femoral artery access points
video and photo recording
Part of the BioDesign process is not to jump to an immediate solution to a problem but understand the entire landscape, paint points, and perspectives of all key stakeholders. We can help get unfiltered feedback from various medical fields while also completing an in-depth analysis of the market size and competitors
Clinical Studies
Our faculty and staff have extensive experience in carrying out translational clinical research in the form of multicenter studies or randomized control trials to facilitate data collection that can lead to publication. We also have access to cadaveric labs for investigational purposes with emerging technologies. In some cases, we will be able to perform first-in-human studies where the device has been validated and meets quality specifications.
Animal Studies
Preclinical testing is available through in vivo and ex vivo testing as well as quality control validation. Sinai BioDesign is located in the same building as the live animal facilities that can be used for in vivo testing.
Human Factors Analysis
The key to deploying a successful tool is to give your audience what they are looking for - evidence that your innovation makes a difference in the hospital’s workflow and the patients that they manage. Mount Sinai BIoDesign can help to create proposals that quantify user feedback from physicians at various training levels.
Types of Studies include -
Economic Impact Study
Hospital Workflow
Supply Chain Analysis
Mount Sinai BioDesign has successful partnerships with start-up companies with small teams, to larger industry giants. Our goal is to define discrete ways in which we can help you to take your device, at any stage, to the next level.